turkey poultry farming in Nigeria

How to Start a Turkey Poultry Farming in Nigeria 2024: Step-by-Step Guide 

If you are considering starting a turkey poultry farm in Nigeria, then read how to start turkey poultry farming in Nigeria 

Turkey poultry farming is a lucrative business, and Nigeria has a huge demand for poultry products. 

But before you go into the details, there are some things you need to know. 

Let’s get started!

What You Should Know Before Starting a Turkey Poultry Farm in Nigeria

First things first, turkey farming requires you to invest time, money, and resources. 

You need to have a passion for farming and a willingness to learn. 

You also need to understand that market demand and competition are important, and you need to have a suitable location with adequate space and facilities.

How Profitable is Turkey Poultry Farming in Nigeria?

Turkey poultry farming is a profitable business in Nigeria. 

The demand for turkey meat is high, and the market is growing rapidly. 

With proper management and care, a turkey farm can generate substantial income. According to the Poultry Association of Nigeria, the turkey poultry industry is worth over N500 billion!

What is the Cost of Starting a Turkey Poultry Farming in Nigeria?

The cost of starting a turkey poultry farming in Nigeria varies depending on the size and scope of the project. 

Here are some estimated costs:

  • Land preparation and fencing: N500,000 to N1,000,000
  • Brooder and rearing equipment: N300,000 to N500,000
  • Initial stock of turkey poults: N200,000 to N500,000
  • Feed and medication: N500,000 to N1,000,000
  • Labor and miscellaneous costs: N100,000 to N500,000

Total estimated cost is about N2,000,000 to N4,000,000

However, you may not spend up to that if you have a space you can begin from and also start on a small scale. 

How to Start a Turkey Poultry Farming in Nigeria (Step-by-Step Process)

Starting a turkey poultry farming in Nigeria requires careful planning.

That’s why we put this step-by-step guide together to help you get started:

Step 1: Carry out Market Research and Feasibility Studies

Firstly, you need to understand the market demand and competition and also identify potential customers and suppliers.

This will help you determine the size and scope of your farm.

Step 2: Develop a Business Plan

After your market research, you need to define your mission and objectives on why you want to start and what you want to achieve with it. 

This will guide you to determine your start-up costs and revenue projections.

Then, you can outline your marketing and sales strategies.

Step 3: Acquire Land and Prepare the Site

The next step is to find a suitable location with adequate space and facilities.

Get the land ready by clearing and fencing it.

Also, build brooder and rearing houses for your poultry. 

Step 4: Buy Initial Stock and Equipment

Purchase turkey poults from a trusted supplier and ensure they are in good condition to avoid loss on your part. 

Then get the brooder and rearing equipment, and Install feeding and watering systems.

Step 5: Manage Your Farm

Now that your poultry farm has been set up, you need to provide adequate feed, water, and medication for the turkey. 

Also, monitor and control disease outbreaks to avoid running at a loss. 

Don’t forget to keep accurate records of your farm’s performance.

Conclusion on turkey poultry farming in Nigeria

When starting a turkey poultry farming in Nigeria, you have to carefully plan, execute, and manage it well to avoid running at a loss.

Also, you need the right knowledge, skills, and resources, to build a successful and profitable turkey farm. 

Before you begin m, conduct market research, develop a business plan, get land and prepare the site, buy initial stock and equipment, and ensure to manage your farm effectively.

We hope the tips and guide shared in this article will be helpful to you.

Thank you for reading. 


What is the best breed of turkey for farming in Nigeria?

The best breed for turkey farming in Nigeria is the Broad-Breasted White.

How long does it take for turkey poults to mature?

Turkey poults take around 12 to 14 weeks to mature.

What is the average weight of a mature turkey?

The average weight of a mature turkey is around 10 to 12 kg.

How much feed does a turkey consume per day?

A turkey consumes around 0.5 to 1 kg of feed per day.

What is the average lifespan of a turkey?

The average lifespan of a turkey is around 2 to 3 years.

What are the common diseases affecting turkeys in Nigeria?

The common diseases affecting turkeys in Nigeria include Newcastle disease, Gumboro disease, and Coccidiosis.

How do I prevent disease outbreaks on my farm?

You can prevent disease outbreaks by maintaining good hygiene, providing adequate ventilation, and vaccinating your turkeys regularly.

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