How to Control Blight

How to Control Blight

How to Control Blight Controlling blight is essential to maintain the health of the birds and prevent economic losses. Whether you’re a seasoned poultry enthusiast or a backyard chicken keeper just starting your feathered adventure, the well-being of your flock is undoubtedly a top priority. As any poultry keeper knows, maintaining a healthy and thriving…

How to Prevent and Treat Salmonellosis

How to Prevent and Treat Salmonellosis

How to Prevent and Treat Salmonellosis How to prevent and treat salmonellosis has been one of the questions every poultryman is searching for. Congratulations you are on the right page. Interesting right? I guess. However, salmonellosis is a very disastrous disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella. It can lead to symptoms like diarrhea, lethargy, and…

How To Plant Watermelon Successfully In Nigeria

How To Plant Watermelon Successfully In Nigeria

How To Plant Watermelon Successfully in Nigeria Watermelon can be considered one of the most consumed vegetable crops in Nigeria. This is because of its unique sweetness and nutritional value that comes with it making the demands for it high. This demand has, however, encouraged many farmers into its cultivation which turned out to be…