common diseases of farm animals

10 Most Common Diseases of Farm Animals: Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

There must be various common diseases of farm animals peculiar to different animals. Read about them the cause, symptom here.

Farm animals are prone to different diseases that can have a significant impact on their health and productivity. 

That’s why it is important to understand the common diseases that affect farm animals as farmers and animal caretakers to ensure the well-being of the livestock. 

In this article, we will discuss the 10 common diseases of farm animals, their causes, and symptoms.

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Common Diseases of Farm Animals

Common Disease

Animals affected




Cattle, pigs, ducklings, turkeys, horses

Consumption of feed contaminated with aflatoxins, produced by certain molds

Reduced feed intake, weight loss, liver damage, reproductive issues

African horse sickness

Horses, mules, donkeys, zebra, dogs

Viral infection transmitted by Culicoides biting midges

Fever, respiratory distress, swelling, neurological signs

African swine fever

Pigs (domestic and feral

Viral infection is transmitted through direct contact with infected animals or contaminated objects

High fever, loss of appetite, hemorrhages, skin discoloration

Akabane disease

Cattle, sheep, goats

Viral infection transmitted by biting midges

Fever, abortion, stillbirths, congenital abnormalities in newborns


Cattle, sheep, horses, goats, pigs, dogs, humans

Bacterial infection caused by Bacillus anthracis spores

Sudden death, fever, swelling, bloody discharge

Australian bat lyssavirus

Bats, flying foxes, horses, humans, dogs, cats, microbats, insectivorous bats

Viral infection transmitted through bites or scratches from infected bats

Fever, headache, paralysis, neurological symptoms

Avian influenza

Wild birds, poultry (chickens, turkeys, etc.), marine mammals

Viral infection transmitted through direct contact with infected birds or contaminated environments

Respiratory signs, decreased egg production, high mortality rates

Avian paramyxovirus

Pigeons, poultry, birds

Viral infection transmitted through direct contact with infected birds or contaminated environments

Respiratory signs, nervous system disorders, decreased egg production


Turkeys, chickens, pheasants, game birds

Protozoan infection is transmitted through ingestion of infected earthworms or cecal droppings

Diarrhea, weight loss, liver damage, mortality in severe cases


Sheep, goats, deer, cattle

Viral infection transmitted by biting midges

Fever, swelling, respiratory signs, lameness, reproductive issues 

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Final Note

Preventing and managing common diseases in farm animals is important to maintain their health and productivity. 

Regular veterinary care, proper nutrition, vaccination programs, and biosecurity measures can help prevent the spread of diseases. 

Early detection and prompt treatment are essential for minimizing the impact of diseases on farm animals.

We hope this article has helped understand the Common Diseases of Farm Animals their Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, feel free to leave a comment below


Thank you for reading.

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